How I empowered a product team to embrace an iterative ideation journey within a traditional waterfall project roadmap.
DRA3 is a widely adopted reading assessment test for school-age children. My team designed the iPad web application.
An innovative way to score miscues that provided a strong competitive advantage to the product.
I led the team through development of the solution over 3 design iterations, each including:
– Cross-functional ideation workshop
– Rapid prototyping
– User testing
A dashboard to help teachers keep track of classroom testing progress and easy access the test functionality right where they had left off.
I let the design of this standard dashboard functionality by leveraging the team’s subject matter expertise and design best practices.
A “game-changing” reporting system that combines test results and intervention recommendations.
I led the development of the data visualization concept and design by helping the design team to the understand the complex data and to find the right balance between simplicity and detail of the design solution.